Today.. our task is to act like a tourist and explore kl ( it's petaling street to be more precise... kakaka) First of, we are gonna dress up like a tourist and then we will start our journey... and for your information, we are not driving today, we are taking LRT (Light Railway Transit) ^^

Da dang~~ Dress up complete... lets take a picture first...
yann: lolx................... mon mon not ready yet... haha
mon: u also know hor.... -_______-"
MY photographer konon.... and somemore she dun want take second shot d, cause she said she look nice... sob T T

Ok, journey starts from Mon's place, Bistari Condominium @ PWTC.... and this picture is just to show you guys how we dress up for our trip today....
Mon : lolx... Yann look like auntie with an umbrella... hahaha.. cute ^^
And to final check our stuff for today ....... lets see..
camera: check-ed
extra film : check-ed
umbrella: check-ed
hat: check-ed
sunglasses: check-ed
water: check-ed
backpack: check-ed
passport: check-ed.... wait.. not real tourist, dun need passport... lmao :P
MONEY: RM50~ yeah.. we gonna do a budget one........... ^^
don't we look like korean couple.. (lolxx..SYIOK SENDIRI-ing)
We depart from PWTC Star LRT Station!!!!

ticket: RM1.20 per pax to station Masjid Jamek
total: RM2.40
For your information, the nearest station to Petaling Street is actually station Plaza Rakyat and we choose to get off 1 station before which is, Masjid Jamek because we wanted to walk around look look see see a bit while taking some pictures....
like real tourist huh... hehehe.... xD

Here we are at Masjid Jamek!!!! ^^
Hmm which way should we follow now to Petaling Street... hmmm....
*still walking..............
*hmm take some picture first.......

wait... we are at Masjid India!!!! We are on the wrong direction!!! Hahahaha... well, i guess is normal for tourist..... :P
p/s : First step to act like a real tourist : Always get lost... and ask around for directions *wink

Here are some of the pictures along the way....

Phew~ finally... we reach Petaling Street!!! and that's China Town! Our destination for today! Weeeeeee...... feel thirsty after a long walk... let's go and get a drink.... ^ ^
first station: The Famous "AIR MATA KUCING" (Cat's Eye Water)
*for your information, is not really cat's eye.. is actually longan + lo hon kor... LoL

total: RM2.40
Mon : Slurpss~~ I Love it!!!!! ^ ^
Yann : Slurpss~~ I Love it tooo....... but a bit sweet for me... ^ ^

Come to Petaling Street of course must eat "Tau Fu Fah" (soya beancurd) le....... not to miss for soya bean and beancurd lover... = )
Second station: Kim Soya Bean

Taufufa + soya milk with brown sugar, RM1.30
Mon : Love it tooo!!! nice nice...

After some drinks and "taufufa" we feel a bit hungry now.... so let's go for some famous food around Petaling Street... Nom nom nom.. :D
Third station: the famous Hokkien noodle , Kim Lian Kee...
Seriously, i dunno how old is this restaurant, but i bet is at least as old as me... lol..

hokkien mee RM 6.00
Ok, after taking some pics lets start eating...
Nom nom nom nom.... OMG!!! DAMN GOOD! :O
Hahaha... ok a bit exaggerating.. but is really good... this restaurant actually uses charcoal to cook their food therefore you can taste the different compare to using gas cook... is something like how western people smoke their food with some aromatic woods... :D
Is definitely worth trying BUT this is non-halal, so for people who dun take pork, try at your own risk.... :P
the restaurant is just opposite Hong Leong Bank at one of the corner shop in the crossroad junction... easy to find...
Yann : must try must try!!! ^ ^
Forth station: Koon Kee wan tan mee~

Ok, before that, let us just explain ourself, we are not super big eater, we only eat a bit of everything so that we can try more food and SHARE with you people... we actually sacrifice our quota for the sake of you PEOPLE out there!!! Aren't you guys/gals feel so touched now?
So please dun say, " OMG~ look at them, they eat and drink nonstop...!! "
Mon was actually crying during then, "Oh god.. please forgive us and dun punish us ... we were just eating for the sake of others... IF you really want to punish, punish those who are reading this....." :P
Haha.. ok, lets get back to the main topic..

Ok, this wantan mee is actually very good as well... the noodle is springy ( doink doink).
and last station of the day is petaling street, "Ikan Bakar" aka grilled sting ray~ need to wait for 45mins
Mon: ok! it must be very good thats y everyone is waiting for it... guess i will wait as well... better be good................

*love at China Town, Petaling Street... ^^
or enjoy a glass of coconut juice..... *cooling.... *

coconut juice RM1.50 X2
and let us show u how's the cooling effect...........

yann: let me try.... ^^

mon: hahahaha.. u look like being force to advertise... xD

and the long waited portugese stingray + squid + 2 bowl of rice is finally here!!!
Woots~ looks nice.... let's take some pics to share with our readers.....

Ok, finally is time to eat!!! weee cant wait..... let's try the sting ray first....
Mon: ............ Uekkkks... OMG!!!! this is real suck!!!! Not nice at all...! >.<|| after waiting for 45mins... the stingray is not even grilled properly. The fish taste like being smoke to cook, rather than being grilled. can u guys imagine smoke stingray???!! and the fish is not marinated and the sauce is not nice + oily. 1 word to describe this, SUCK!! and because of that, i don't even bother to know what's the name of the stall, i just remember it's beside Hong Leong Bank. So FOLKS, remember when u go Chinatown and u see alot of people eat grill stingray beside Hong Leong Bank, don't bother to try.... LoL... it's really a waste of quota~ let's us round up the amount we spent today................... *drum rolling............... * total spent RM 37.50
transportation + foods + drinks for 2 pax!!! I consider it quite cheap... ^^
if anyone interested to spend a day trip at somewhere and you dun want to spend too much money while you can have fun plus having some nice foods, you can now go to China Town and try it.... Of course, there are still more nice food which we din manage to try because of limited space in our stomach and also because Yann does not eat beef.... :P
p/s : if you guys like beef noodle, there are two places in China Town which is famous for that. For soup based beef noodle, go to this corner shop kopitiam call Lai Fong (same row as S&M Complex) and for dry beef noodle, go to this shop call Soong Kee... ask around and people will direct you to that place... Is real famous and most of the locals will know this place.. = )
Hope you guys enjoy our one day trip at China Town, Petaling Street and also the food review shared by us.... ^^
by Mon and Yann
d(^ o^)v